Monday, 16 March 2015

Report: Muslim Boycott Hurts Denmark ‘s Economy

Boykot yang dilakukan kaum Muslimin atas Denmark sebagai protes pemuatan karikatur penghinaan Nabi yang ketiga kalinya, telah merugikan ekonomi Denmark secara signifikan. Denmark mulai kelimpungan, bingung harus bagaimana. Sementara, surat kabar yang memuat karikatur itu, belum juga merasa bersalah dan tidak meminta maaf. Bacalah berita yang saya terima di email saya di bawah ini. Bantulah perjuangan ini, kenalilah produk-produk Denmark bila Anda belanja dan jangan dibeli!! Itu sudah menunjukkan kecintaan kita kepada Sang Nabi Mulia Junjunan alam.

Boycott Update!!!

The Danish Arla Foods Company announced recently that it had suffered serious losses due to a Muslim consumer boycott. If the boycott continues for the entire year, the company could lose $372 million, managers said.

Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moller recently spoke to the local daily Boerson and warned that a third printing of the caricatures could cause Denmark serious long-term financial losses.

Great news!!
The Danish ambassadors, prime minister and Danish channels are all trying to do something just to stop the boycott made by Muslims last month, for their losses has reached to 2 billion Euro. If we continue to boycott Danish products Insha Allah in 7 months it could reach around 40 billion Euros .

Dear All, please spread the news to all your families & friends in order to warn Denmark and others! that we Muslim are united Insha Allah against any one who even thinks to harm our beloved Prophet peace be upon him. The Danish newspapers till this day claim no regret to what they have done! So let us all Insha Allah save them time + energy and make their trip towards Regret a short one! by…..

Believers DO NOT let this message stop in your PC Insha Allah. If you will not aid him, Allah certainly aided him….Quran 9:40

http://www.islamway .com/mohammad/

Salam Alaikum dear brothers & sisters,

Boycott Update!!!

http://www.israelna tionalnews. com/News/ Flash.aspx/ 144969


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